Worth Everything Podcast

My Sanctification Journey: From New Age to Jesus

Episode Summary

Welcome to my rebranded podcast! This is the first episode under my new podcast name, Worth Everything.

Episode Notes

Welcome to my rebranded podcast! This is the first episode under my new podcast name, Worth Everything. When the Holy Spirit nudged me to stop Soulfully Feminine, I never would have imagined that God would want me to revive this platform to preach the Good News to the loss. You see, as an ex new ager of 6 years, self-love, meditation, tarot, astrology, divine feminine healing, chakra work, yoga were totally my thing. I was completely sold on being a new ager and reaching a state of enlightenment. Yet, despite having so many spiritual modalities on my plate, nothing could heal me of my anxiety, depression, void and loneliness I felt. No matter how much I labour through meditation work, aligning my chakras and doing shadow work, these mental illnesses and struggles caught up with me in full force and broke me eventually.  Unbeknownst to me, the void is actually in the shape of a cross. It’s not more “self-healing” I needed to do, but it was a Saviour outside of myself my soul needed the most.

I remembered the times in my past, when my best friend, Rosalind, would share the Good News of Jesus Christ with me. Needless to say, I would feel so offended that she said that Jesus is the only way to God. In my foolishness, I thought that I already had a relationship with God. Little did I know that it was actually the little ‘g’ god whom I was worshipping. In other words, it was Satan masquerading as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), which I was serving unknowingly. Such is the nature of deception - you don’t know that you are actually deceived and living a lie all the time.

At the peak of my mental illnesses, I came to a tipping point when the false practices of the new age turned against me that I decided to surrender everything and just say the salvation prayer - in the hopes that there is that one last thing that could save me. Lo and behold, the solution is in a person and His name is Jesus. In His mercy and grace, He healed me instantly, completely. Jesus opened my spiritual eyes to the truth that whatever I was doing is an abomination. He took away my anxiety, depression, hopelessness, loneliness and lifted my burdens once I accepted Him into my heart.

You see, being raised in a freethinking home and subsequently going into the new age, never ever would I thought I would become a Jesus girl. Never ever in my life would I have imagined, if we were to rewind time as early as 4 years ago, that I would become wildly in love with Jesus and dedicate my whole life to serving Him alone. Such is the redeeming work of the cross and I am here today, to share how I was sanctified when Jesus made me a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). The power of Jesus Christ is undeniable and He is my Lord, my Saviour and the lover of my soul. I am here to share it because He is worth everything. Praise God and be blessed.

Instagram: @rachellovingly

Tik Tok: @rachellovingly